Humidity: The Silent Factor in Your Business and Its Critical Impact on Health, Preservation and Business Risk

Vicky Vaughan

Humidity: The Silent Factor in Your Business


You’ve probably heard a lot about temperature and airflow, but humidity remains the silent factor—a critical yet underestimated player in maintaining healthy, comfortable, and efficient environments. Although it’s often hidden from immediate view, humidity has an impact on ALL sectors and spaces, and in this blog, we will explore just a few examples.

Mastering humidity is crucial for creating safe, efficient, and resilient environments. Its effects are gradual and often overlooked until mould starts creeping in, or a priceless painting begins to degrade. The nuanced interplay between humidity, temperature, and ventilation directly impacts human health, productivity, comfort, and the longevity of valuable assets and buildings.

The Basics of Absolute Humidity

Absolute humidity is the measure of water vapour (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature, usually expressed in grams of water vapour per cubic meter of air (g/m³). It’s important to distinguish it from relative humidity, which is the amount of moisture in the air compared to what the air can hold at a specific temperature.

Measurement Tools

Accurate hygrometers and wireless humidity sensors, such as those using LoRaWAN technology, are essential. With reliable data, you can make informed decisions for each sector you manage, whether it’s operating theatres in a hospital, museum artefacts, servers in a data centre, or protecting paper stock in printing facilities.

Temperature Consideration

As warmer air holds more moisture, managing temperature is crucial, particularly in the summer. Proper airflow and moisture control are vital to maintaining optimal conditions, whether it’s for student alertness in university lecture halls, protecting or preventing damage to stored goods in warehousing and storage.

Humidification and Dehumidification Systems

Depending on whether you need to increase or decrease the absolute humidity, you may require humidifiers or dehumidifiers. There are various types of each, so choose one based on the size of the space, the specific humidity requirements, and energy efficiency.


Proper ventilation is crucial in managing humidity levels. In some cases, simply increasing airflow can help maintain desired humidity levels, especially if the outdoor air is of a favourable absolute humidity level. This applies to indoor swimming pools, where high humidity can lead to mould and structural damage if not properly managed.

Regular Maintenance

Humidity control systems, like all HVAC equipment, require regular maintenance to operate efficiently. This includes cleaning or replacing filters, checking for leaks, and ensuring sensors are calibrated correctly.

Energy Efficiency

Managing absolute humidity can significantly impact energy consumption. For instance, dehumidification typically requires a considerable amount of energy. Look for energy-efficient models and consider integrating your humidity control systems with other building management systems to optimise performance and energy use.

Health and Comfort

Keeping relative humidity levels within a comfortable range (between 30-60%) is vital for human health, comfort, and productivity. It also prevents mould growth and inhibits the survival of viruses and other pathogens. Check out our blog on air quality for additional tips.

Material Preservation

Certain materials, such as wood, paper, and textiles, are sensitive to humidity levels. Controlling absolute humidity is essential in museums, archives, and storage facilities to prevent damage and deterioration.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Be aware of any legal or regulatory standards for humidity levels in your industry or region, especially in sectors like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and food processing, where specific humidity conditions might be mandated.


Master humidity control to ensure your facilities are safe, compliant, and efficient. Don’t underestimate the impact of this vital factor in your space management toolkit.

The take-away from this blog is that humidity impacts all sectors. It’s not just tweaking a dial – it’s about healthier, safer, and more productive spaces.

If you’d like to discuss these humidity factors in relation to your buildings then we’d love to hear from you to discuss how we can help make effective steps towards reducing the impact. Schedule a discussion via our contact form.

Humidity: The Silent Factor in Your Business and Its Critical Impact on Health, Preservation and Business Risk

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