BOSS CONTROLS has read and digested the 25 year Environmental Plan and has found five ways in which it is already implementing elements into its business practices. This is helping clients and BOSS CONTROLS’ to protect our beautiful planet.
Where sections of the 25 year Environmental Plan are not related to our business such as forestry and marine life, we are supporting initiatives which protect these, for example, the Marine Conservation Society and Sussex Wildlife Trust.
We are reducing energy consumption
We understand that energy and materials are essential contributions to the production of goods and services. We are helping our clients to become more energy efficient and mimimise their environmental impacts by helping them to improve and upgrade their Building Energy Management System (BEMS). This helps products and services to be planet friendly.
We are minimising waste
We are helping the Government to reach its ambition of zero avoidable waste by 2050 and avoidable plastic waste by 2042. We also integrate Defra’s Waste Hierarchy into our business practices which includes installing plastic wire and cable which is recyclable. To beat that, we were also one of the first BEMS optimisation companies to test NetMesh Wireless technology which replaces cables altogether. Wireless BEMS has two benefits; it reduces land to landfill and allows listed and heritage buildings like churches and/or museums to become more energy efficient by sensing user occupancy and adapting the temperature and humidity accordingly.
We are connecting people with the environment
The BOSS CONTROLS team is encouraged to be in touch with nature for the benefit of their health and wellbeing. Our office is situated within Horsham Park which has an outside gym and the jogging track round the edge which is often used by our employees during the warmer months.
We are supporting tree planting
The BOSS CONTROLS team have signed the Charter for Trees, Woods and People. Some of our employees are also members of Sussex Wildlife Trust and volunteer their time to tree planting.
Tackling marine litter
Our marketing manager is a keen member of the Marine Conservation Society and has been running a monthly Beach Brunch and Clean Up event for over a year. This club helps to connect members to nature and reduces harm to marine life by picking up beach litter after a tasty brunch (included as an incentive).
By constantly improving our own Environmental Policy
We are always finding new ways to improve our own Environmental Strategy.
Contact BOSS CONTROLS using the form below if you would like us to help you reduce your energy consumption to make your services and products greener.